Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The First Webisode and Dropkicking Kickstarter

This is me not believing we will raise $8,138 in 15 days from friends, family, and complete strangers.

I would like to thank everyone who did believe in us enough to contribute! Thank you!

To my disappointment, our Kickstarter campaign received an overwhelming LACK of responses. Around 700 people were contacted. Perhaps some people thought us rude for asking to contribute to a film, perhaps some people don't understand the pitch or the scope, and even a friend of mine told me he was worried I'd be spending the money on beer when on the road (insulting). I've come to the conclusion that I haven't given people enough of a reason to believe in me and that there were a few other fundamental flaws in our approach.

My warrior spirit is charging forth, however, with a deft tenacity to keep the project alive. So I've decided to shoot our first webisode with the money we already have set aside for OpenMicUSA. As of now, I've my sights on Detroit [Rock City]. Stay tuned!

[o ]=====III

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